Encouraging sustainable health in work environments: Maitland technique for cervicogenic headaches





sustainable health, healthy work, neck pain, headache disorders


Background: Cervicogenic headache (CC) affects a large number of workers, causing persistent and debilitating pain in the head, shoulders, and upper back, resulting in high compensation costs. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Maitland technique in reducing cervicogenic headaches among industrial technology workers. Methods: This was a non-experimental, longitudinal cohort study employing a quantitative approach, involving 26 industrial technology workers. An initial and final evaluation of the clinical presentation of cervicogenic headache was conducted, focusing on pain intensity measured using the visual analogue scale (VAS), cervical disability assessed using the neck disability index (NDI), and the impact of headache pain on daily activities measured using the HIT-6 questionnaire. Results: The results revealed a significant decrease in pain intensity, cervical disability, and the impact of headaches, with significant differences observed between the measurements of all variables (p<0.05). Conclusions: The Maitland technique, as a mobilization approach, demonstrated positive effects in reducing the clinical presentation of cervicogenic headaches among industrial technology workers. These effects were evident in terms of pain intensity, cervical disability, and the impact of headaches on daily activities.


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