Enhancing speech competence using a non-synchronic video platform: A study case of A1 students’ performance (CEFR)
Flipgrid; EFL; speech competence; quasi- experimental; speaking scoresResumo
The undeniable effect caused by the abrupt appearance of a deadly virus, confined us in our homes, changing everything we knew and perceived as normal. Education, work, medicine, etc. had to adapt to this new reality; with education being one of the most impacted areas because of this limitation of contact. This, at the same time, led to the academic deterioration in the acquisition of knowledge in students around the world. For this reason, this study aimed to examine the influence caused by the use of the asynchronous platform Flipgrid, as a tool to foster academic achievement regarding to speech competence of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in a sample constituted by 60 participants who studied English at a local Higher Educational Institution (HEI). The selected sample contained two groups, the first identified as the experimental group and the latter as the control element. The current research proposal encompassed the norms of the quasi-experimental method to gather quantitative and qualitative data through the employment of interviews, questionnaires, and rubrics. After the collected data was scrutinized, the results proved that the use of Flipgrid in a scaffolded teaching scheme had a considerably positive aftermath in the speaking evaluations of the students who belonged to the experimental group.
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