Promoting elderly mobility and fall prevention through virtual reality: a sustainable approach to gait balance training




balance; accidental falls; virtual reality; elderly; social inclusion; sustainability


Background: Deterioration of physical coordinative capacity, balance and falls cause significant physical repercussions in the older adult population. Objective: to design a program for gait balance training in older adults at risk of falls using Virtual Reality. Methods: descriptive study, with quantitative approach, longitudinal cut, fifteen older adults with an age range from 65 to 84 years belonging to the care unit "Dulce Hogar" of one of the MIES projects participated, all of them executed the program through virtual reality for 16 weeks with a frequency of 1 session per week. Participants were evaluated before and after the intervention using the Tinetti scale and the unipodal (timed) station. Results: for the statistical analysis the SPSS version 29.0 computer system was used, the Student's t-test was used with a statistical significance p<0.05, yielding results of p<0.001 in all parameters tested: balance, gait and risk of falls. The results were expressed in statistical tables with their respective analyses. Conclusions: Virtual Reality applied in a gait balance training program for the elderly is beneficial because it showed a better balance, better gait performance and decreased the risk of falls in the elderly.


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