Strengthening long-term memory and cognitive stimulation in a student with mild intellectual disability




intellectual disability, memory, attention.


The objective of this case study is the implementation of a program that allows the strengthening of the long-term memory of a student with mild disability from the "San Juan Bautista" Educational Unit of the Catamayo, canton, province of Loja, period 2023. To achieve this objective, the research was descriptive, explanatory and qualitative. For the study, a student with ID was taken into consideration, the instruments used for the collection of information were the WISC-V and the King Figure Test, these instruments were applied before the intervention plan. The results were moderate alteration in IQ of 38% and difficulty in the functions of encoding, storage and revocation of information, evidencing minor damage to their memory, low level of visual, immediate and construction memory. In conclusion, the intervention plan allowed the improvement of memory and attentional development.

Biografia do Autor

Enrique Vicente Quinto Saritama , National University of Loja, Ecuador

Lecturer National University of Loja, Ecuador. Equinoctial University of Technology, Ecuador.

Luis Alberto Chicaiza González, National University of Loja, Ecuador

Researcher. National University of Loja, Ecuador

Alicia del Cisne Macas León, National University of Loja, Ecuador

National University of Loja, Ecuador

María Fernanda Cárdenas Santín, National University of Loja, Ecuador

National University of Loja, Ecuador

Sonia Elizabeth Córdova Jiménez, National University of Loja, Ecuador

National University of Loja, Ecuador


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Como Citar

Quinto Saritama , E. V., Chicaiza González, L. A., Macas León, A. del C., Cárdenas Santín, M. F., & Córdova Jiménez, S. E. (2023). Strengthening long-term memory and cognitive stimulation in a student with mild intellectual disability. Ibero-American Journal of Education & Society Research, 3(2), 125–129.