Main problems that threaten the teaching-learning process
Social problems, education, society, coping, quality education.Resumo
The problems that threaten the teaching-learning process are diverse, however they are not always adequately recognized in the educational environment nor addressed. Thus, the objective of this study is to reflect on the main problems that threaten the teaching-learning process in basic general education. For this purpose, a systematic review investigation is carried out in Scopus, Science Direct, Scielo and EBSCO databases on the topic, considering the last 5 years of publication, obtaining 43 reviews of which 14 met the parameters for inclusion in the study. The results show an important approach to social problems associated with education due to its impact on it, such as migratory conflicts, family violence, school violence, sexual violence, street situations, substance and alcohol abuse, depression, as well as derived from inadequate intercultural processes, impact of social networks or poor quality of education. The problems that threaten the teaching-learning process are diverse, however they are not always adequately recognized in the educational environment nor addressed. Thus, the objective of this study is to reflect on the main problems that threaten the teaching-learning process in basic general education. For this purpose, a systematic review investigation is carried out in Scopus, Science Direct, Scielo and EBSCO databases on the topic, considering the last 5 years of publication, obtaining 43 reviews of which 14 met the parameters for inclusion in the study. The results show an important approach to social problems associated with education due to its impact on it, such as migratory conflicts, family violence, school violence, sexual violence, street situations, substance and alcohol abuse, depression, as well as derived from inadequate intercultural processes, impact of social networks or poor quality of education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel Ángel González Sánchez, Enrique Vicente Quinto Saritama, Wilson Rafael Rodas Mogrovejo, Rosalia Yomaira Jaramillo Toledo, Yuraima Yannine Zambrano Mendoza

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